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August 05, 2006


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Yes it's a great shop window, you just have to make sure its dressing isn't wonky! Having taken some stick for this piece and then coming across a ("professional") blog littered with typos, I quietly emailed them to point out some of their mistakes - which included getting the word 'professional' wrong. Like newspaper subs, bloggers appear to harbour pedants amongst them, so leaving yourself wide open for criticism may lead to some unpleasantness.

Rob Skinner

It is surprising how many 'professional' communicators fail to proof their online copy. Mind, many years ago I misspelt 'accuracy' in a high profile internal document and still blush when I remember the incident!

Alexandra Pullin

It is cringe-worthy when you spot simple errors in what would otherwise be a good piece of writing. However it does provide a valuable learning experience and I'm sure after your misspelt accuracy Rob, you were very careful next time you were writing. The fun thing about blogs is that the entire internet can see your mistakes - a terrifying prospect!

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