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November 21, 2006


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Andrew Wake

Marine Boy now you're talking Rob! I didn't realise it at the time but it was actually a Japanese cartoon in the now much admired 'Manga' style. One thing I did know was that it looked light years ahead of it's 60's contemporaries and the slightly later stuff we watched and loved like Wacky Races, Scooby Doo etc.

Like yourself I wasn't too big a Jackanory fan but I feel obliged to defend Johnny Morris putting daft voices and jokes to footage of zoo animals on our black and white telly! You just wouldn't get away with it these days...!

Mark H Wilkinson

Indeed, I also remember Marine Boy. I always thought it'd be brilliant to have some Oxygum (I was learning to swim around the time it was being broadcast, though those must have been repeats).

Some considerate soul has uploaded the titles to YouTube:


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