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November 25, 2007


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Loz Russell

What a smashing blog. You are so lucky to have witnessed these things. I was unfortunately born in 1973, too late to ever witness steam in service but it looks to have been something incredible. It has always been an ambition of mine to visit Barry Island and pay homage to the wonders of the steam age. I live in Brighton, not far from the station and I can remember bits of the old Brighton Railways which have now long since gone. Would love to have been there, hence the website :o)

Loz Russell

Sorry, URL is wrong. Please check my sites, I think you'll like them.


Please keep up the good work, it's great to see what I missed :o) Loz

Timothy Takemoto

Sorry...There is no need to reply to the last question from me on your blog. I googled the phrase "heritage railway" as used in the post above and came accross this list, including some railways that use steam locomotives.


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