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August 21, 2010


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Again, it turns our that I'm seemingly the only person who has a mass-produced device that despite having the same spec as everyone else's, exhibits no issues whatsoever.
Am I lucky, normal, it just don't look for problems where they don't exist?
Sure, there will be a failure rate and I don't doubt your personal case but there's no evidence to support a wider ussue as far as I can see.
Sales are higher than all previous models and the return rate is lower certainly than 3GS from memory - I can't remember it that's the same for other versions. Dropped call rates are lower than network averages for all handsets.
A few bad handsets coupled with a (relative) handful of users with an predisposition to complain on platforms populated by like-minded individuals doesn't sway me.


Apologies for the typo in my previous comment. I was typing the message on my iPhone 4 (really) so it must be to blame. Now I just need to decide what to do first. Should I pack it up and send it back, or rush to report it on the macrumors forum?

Rob Skinner

Interested to read your comments, Mark. As my post explained, I haven't yet bought an iPhone 4, but have been listening to the experience of friends and colleagues who have. They're sensible people not given to complaining for the sake of it, so I respect what they've reported. I accept that you have not suffered problems. But it seems clear there is a real problem. And my iPhone 3G has suffered a disastrous fall in performance since I 'upgraded' it to iOS 4 after being prompted by Apple's iTunes. Not what I expect from Apple - a company that is normally obsessive about creating a good customer experience.

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