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December 04, 2010


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Thanks for these photos. I have no idea why I seem to be wearing my Twickenham school uniform dress in Penarth. Perhaps it was to show Grandma and Grampy?

Grampy used to walk me down to the beach at Penarth. There was a post box in the wall on the corner of Beach Rd and Rectory Rd. It had a loose metal front plate (the one that shows the collection times). We'd both thump it so that it made a loud noise!

Grampy also introduced me to "work sandwiches", the sandwiches he used to take to work at the Western Mail night shift. They consisted of thick bread (no such thing as a ready sliced loaf then!), with butter, corned beef and tomato ketchup. I still enjoy them now.

A truly gentle man

Rob Skinner

Lovely memories, Bev. As I said in the post, I cherish my one memory of Grampy. Not sure about the corned beef sandwich, mind - but then I've never been a fan!

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