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January 28, 2011


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The closing of Wrexham and Shropshire was a great disappointment. I used it intermittently from Leamington Spa, one of the few stations at which it was allowed to stop. The service was no quicker or slower than the Chiltern trains, but the legroom was vastly superior - at no additional cost.

Rob Skinner

Thanks, Jeremy. I know Chiltern is still using the W&S stock on some services, so with luck you'll still get the chance of stretching your legs if you take the train to London.

Shropshire Jobs

I absolutely love your blog.I get stuck jumping from blog to blog and already spend way too much time on my computer. Your approach really resonates with me. Many thanks.

Hornby Direct

Model railway enthusiasts may be interested to know that Hornby Railways have marked the end of the Wrexham & Shropshire line with a model of the Class 67 Bo-Bo Diesel Electric Locomotive used on that line.
This new model is product code R3038 and bears the name "A Shrophire Lad" The model is due to be released at the end of 2012 but can be pre-ordered now.

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