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October 16, 2011


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It didn't work out for me. I did the same and I have now only 'All iCloud' ticked in my Calendar setting. But I have still duplicated calendar entries!!!

Rob Skinner

Sorry to hear that, Frank. Have you tried unticking iCloud and ticking one of the other calendars? May be worth experimenting.



So smart! Thanks! ; )


I have the same problem, but in calendars, only appear the iCloud calendar. and does not appear the calendars from my pc, to unselect it.
in the outlook in the PC, i can see that there none entries now in the calendar from outlook and all the duplicate entries are in iCloud calendar in outlook.

Rob Skinner

Deb - sorry to hear that. My subsequent experience of iCloud has shown things are far worse than I thought. I've blogged again about it on this blog.

Margaret Koenig

I don't even know what iCloud is or how to use it. It doesn't show up on my iPhone when I choose Calendar and then the calendar button in the upper left. But not only do I have duplicate entries, they add more of the same every time I sync. I'm syck and tired of this. I've deleted them over and over and tried to figure out where iCloud is. I just want to sync with Outlook, at least until I understand iCloud.

M. Kearns

I had to turn everything off pertaining to ICloud and when it asked me if I wanted to keep the canendar on the Iphone or delete it I deleted it. Then when I synced my phone with itunes it put my calendar from there back on the phone with no duplicates! Stupid ICloud!

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