Ertblog has a new home. I've taken the plunge and created the second edition of my blog on WordPress.
I've been pondering the move for some time. Typepad has been good to me, making it easy for me to establish the original Ertblog at the end of 2005. And I've always found Typepad's customer service excellent - most recently last week when they responded to a whinge on Twitter. But I've long been curious about WordPress, and now seems the right time to start afresh.
I'm not planning to export the original blog here - it seems too much effort for limited reward. (I've read all the stories about how much effort is involved in moving from Typepad to WordPress, especially recreating images in posts.) I'll keep the original going as an archive - and will post some material on both editions, just to compare the traffic.
I've also finally got my own domain name - - for the WordPress version. It feels like my own home now, rather than something I've borrowed.
I'll spend some time over the coming weeks customising the new Ertblog. (Expect to see my old banner from the Typepad blog.) But it's nice to make the move.
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